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Safety and Security (S&S) ENS import declarations – FAQs

  1. What is the Safety and Security ENS declaration?


ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) Safety and Security is a legal requirement for goods entering the UK. It ensures that customs authorities receive advance information about cargo before its arrival to manage safety, security, and compliance risks.


   2. How can the safety and security declaration for importing goods from the EU to GB be done from 31st January 2025?


Safety and Security Declarations can be efficiently handled through the CUSTUK ENS application. Information required by HMRC for the ENS declaration is as below:



  3. Who Is Responsible for Submitting the ENS?


The responsibility for submitting the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) lies with the carrier, such as the shipping line, airline, or freight forwarder. In certain cases, a third party, like an importer or agent, may file the ENS if this arrangement is agreed upon with the carrier.

For example:

•RoRo accompanied transport: Hauliers are responsible for submitting ENS for accompanied vehicles.

•RoRo unaccompanied transport: Ferry operators are responsible for ENS submissions for unaccompanied trailers.

The carrier must ensure the ENS is submitted within the required legal time limits. While a third party or representative can file the ENS on the carrier's behalf, this must be done with the carrier’s explicit knowledge and consent. If the responsibility for filing the ENS is delegated to a third party, the carrier retains legal liability to ensure the declaration is submitted. However, the accuracy of the information within the ENS remains the responsibility of the party submitting the declaration.


  4. Is there a timeline to submit ENS declaration?


Yes, ENS declaration can be submitted as per below specified timelines based on the mode of transport.

• Sea freight (deep-sea): At least 24 hours before loading at the port of departure.

• Sea freight (short-sea): At least 2 hours before arrival.

• Air freight: At least 4 hours before arrival.

• Rail and road freight: At least 1 hour before arrival.



  5. What are the consequences of failing to comply with ENS requirements?


Non-compliance with ENS requirements can result in financial penalties, delays in processing and customs clearance, and, in some cases, refusal of entry for the goods into the UK or their return to the point of origin.


  6. Can an ENS declaration be amended after submission?


Yes, an ENS declaration can be amended after submission, provided the goods have not yet arrived at the UK customs office of entry. Amendments are allowed only if they do not impact the safety and security risk assessment already performed. Ensure that any changes are communicated promptly to the relevant customs authority to maintain compliance


  7. How CUSTUK can help with ENS declarations.


CUSTUK provides a comprehensive solution to handle ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) submissions efficiently and accurately. Here’s how we support your business:


  • Streamlined Submission Process: Our system simplifies the ENS filing process with pre-filled templates, automated validation of data, and direct integration with HMRC systems, ensuring timely and accurate submissions.​


  • Real-Time Compliance: Stay up to date with HMRC safety and security requirements. Our platform continuously updates to reflect regulatory changes, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.


  • Integration with Core Systems: CUSTUK integrates ENS with key systems like CDS (Customs Declaration Service) and GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service), providing a unified solution for all your customs needs.


  • Error Reduction and Accuracy: Our automated checks minimize errors in critical fields like consignor/consignee details, goods descriptions, and transport data, ensuring smooth customs clearance.


  • Dedicated Support Team: Our expert team is available to guide you through ENS requirements, resolve issues, and assist with any queries to ensure your operations run smoothly.


With CUSTUK, you can efficiently manage ENS declarations, avoid costly delays, and streamline your compliance processes.


CustUK, Part of APPEBYTE Ltd.

Slough, United Kingdom


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